GRWTH Version 2.0

2017-03-02 GRWTH 2.0
Written by GRWTH CS
Updated 2 years ago

[考勤簽到] 學生於校門簽到後, 管理員可自動設置學生的考勤狀態
[考勤簽到] 老師可在手機點名頁面查看學生是否已簽到
[請假模組] 請假備註同步至學生檔案考勤紀錄

[今日事項] iOS 未讀提示紅色鬧鐘按鈕功能修復
[今日事項] iOS 點擊 GRWTH 通知卡片可打開相關頁面
[即時訊息] 發送群組訊息時,自動選取群組內的對象
[即時訊息] 群組列表排序改善
[即時訊息] 提升圖片質量
[成長日誌] 修正位置分享地點不準確問題
[成長日誌] 修正 iOS 英文版日期顯示問題
[通告附件] iOS 可選擇使用其他程式打開通告附件
[選擇控件] iOS 選擇圖片及媒體播放控件修正
[推送功能] Android 可同時顯示多條Push訊息

【New Features】
[Attendance] Status can be set by batch according to arrival time
[Attendacne] Arrival tags are added to APP attendance lists
[Leave] Leave remarks synchronized in student attendance record

【Fixes & Modifications】
[Today] Unread notifications are indicated by red alarms
[Today] GRWTH notifications are linked to related page
[Message] Targets are pre-selected for group messages
[Message] Class and group display is revamped
[Message] Image quality improved
[Journal] Bug fix on location sharing
[Journal] Bug fix on iOS English dates
[Notice] iOS Attachments can be browsed by external APP
[Plugin] iOS Image and Multimedia selectors fixed
[Push] Multiple pushes can be displayed simultaneously on Android

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