GRWTH Version 2.2

2017-10-18 GRWTH 2.2
Written by GRWTH CS
Updated 2 years ago



[手機驗証] 提升 SMS 服務質素,迅速送出驗証碼,令註冊驗証更暢順
[推送訊息] 新增聲效提示讓新資訊馬上收到用戶關注
[自定圖示] 校方可於載入頁面上載校徽、校舍圖片,提高歸屬感
[多元智能] 校方購買多元智能模組後,師生家長可於功能表瀏覽活動資訊(教職員)
[學生檔案] 新增備註將同步顯示於任教老師的今日事項,消息更互通
[多元智能] 活動完成設置 45 分鐘後,自動提醒學生家長撰寫成長日誌(學生家長)
[成長日誌] 新增無人機類別及相關反思題目


[登入狀態] 重整檢驗邏輯,改善強制登出的情況
[即時訊息] 訊息中的 Youtube 連結補上預覽

【New Features】(All)

[SMS] Verification code transmission is upgraded to speed up registration
[Push] Sound effect is added to draw user attention
[Banner] The loading image can be customized by school
[MI module] After purchase, activity information will be available(Staff)
[Profile] New comments are synchronized to other staff’s today list
[MI module] Participants are reminded to write a journal 45 min after an activity is set(Student/Parents)
[Journal] New category FPV is added

【Debug and Fixes】

[Login] Backend logic is revamped to reduce accidental logouts
[Message] Youtube preview is re-enabled

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