GRWTH Version 6.5

2020-08-22 GRWTH 6.5
Written by GRWTH CS
Updated 2 years ago

GRWTH #6.5 版本更新說明

「GRWTH [學校] 」

1. 正式推出影片點播(VOD) 及影片儲存功能

- [即時訊息] 整合教學影片播放功能,學生接收訊息後直接於App中播放

- 影片庫收錄所有教學影片,學生可隨時重溫

2. 通告模組增加搜索功能

「GRWTH [社區] 」

1. [特選頻道]內的商戶主頁界面更新


1. App 啟動圖片無法更新的問題修復

GRWTH #6.5 version update instructions

"GRWTH [School] "

1. Officially launched video on demand (VOD) and video storage function

- Integrated VOD function with [Message]

- Search and watch all videos located in [Video Gallery]

2. Search function in [Notice]

"GRWTH [Community] "

1. Enhance the interface of merchant homepage in [GRWTH Exclusive]

"Bugs Fixes"

1. Fixed update problems of loading page image

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