GRWTH Version 6.8

2020-10-09 GRWTH 6.8
Written by GRWTH CS
Updated 2 years ago

GRWTH #6.8 版本更新說明

「GRWTH [學校] 」
1. [課堂影片庫]推出表現數據功能,老師更易掌握學生的線上學習情況
2. [成長日誌]功能升級,家長與孩子點擊分類圖標即可重溫相關生活點滴
「GRWTH [社區] 」
1. 地區篩選功能升級,增加[全部] 選項

GRWTH #6.8 Version update instructions
1. [VOD] Launched students' learning report. Teacher could easily grasp students' learning progress
2. [Journal] Function Enhancement, Parents can view the full retrospect of children's bit of life
GRWTH [Community]
1. Location filter function enhancement, added all option

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